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Sterling Boat: Session 11

Sterling Boat - DETAIL - work in progress
oil on panel


I spent most the 4-hour session today on the seashell, but I think you can see the most difference in the before/after shots if you look at the edge of the painted wooden shelf.

The seashell is challenging because it is reflective, translucent, AND colorful. I'm trying to show a shiny surface that also has depth, because the light both bounces off and penetrates the surface. So there's a lot of fiddling, pushing the values and hues around bit by bit. Slow, slow painting.

This is where glazing makes a big difference because I can layer transparent films of color into a couch of slow-drying oil medium, and make tiny adjustments.

Also, thinning the paint with oil makes a cleaner edge, because the texture and goopiness of the paint is reduced. Just like how melted butter can spread in a thinner layer than cold butter simply spread thin.

I teach Classical Realism drawing and painting classes and workshops in my north light San Francisco studio. I also offer workshops at other locations in the US. Please visit my Teaching page for more information and to register!

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Reader Comments (2)

Congratulations on the studio space! What a marvelous opportunity and space for the lucky people who live in your area. I am really jealous.

December 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeborah Elmquist

Thanks for showing just how valuable values are. Foe me, this is an excellent study in the effect of deepening the values enhances the effect.

December 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHonor Martinez
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