Wax Paper and Ribbon: Session 8

I worked on refining the ribbons more, and another pass on the right half of the wax paper but still fairly general values, nothing specific. I also did a layer to darken down the background, and applied a layer of transparent glaze overall.
I've been having trouble with the under layers "lifting off", and I think it's because the medium I was using contained turpentine/thinner. I switched to a medium of just linseed and stand, no turp at all, and I'm hoping this starts sealing down each layer so I'm not struggling so much with applying the paint.
I'm still filming, but I'll probably just post a nice big movie of the whole process at the end.
Reader Comments (3)
I had missed the ribbon development
(and drama of a few days ago) so was very surprised to view your blog today and find the ribbon addition. I love the combination of ribbon, wax paper and the pewter or silver pedestal bowl. Interesting textures.
hi sadie!
I just found your blog by accident--I clicked on a video link in the comments on learning-to-see.uk and ended up on your site. Your work is absolutely breathtaking. You must be spending a lot of time painting lately, what a change from working at tfp!
I've actually been trying to learn classical painting techniques too, but am not at the point of doing finished work yet--mostly studies and cast drawings. I've taken a few classes but am mainly working on my own. It's inspiring to see your work!
Anyway, maybe we can get together for some plein air painting next time I'm in CA.
take care,
nina ellsworth
Hi Nina! So nice to hear from you! Email me, I can't find your email address:
sadiej [at] gmail.com