Carl Dobsky's Safehouse Atelier Moves In
Friday, March 8, 2013 at 2:05PM
Sadie Valeri

Carl now teaches in LA, but we offer part time and full time classical atelier study here in San Francisco.
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We are thrilled to announce that Carl Dobsky has moved his fulltime program, The Safehouse Atelier, into our studio!

Carl and his 9 students moved their studio equipment in last week, and they have already gotten set up and are working every day on their drawings of plaster casts.

Safehouse students study 5 days a week: Cast drawing, perspective, long pose figure drawing, alla prima portrait painting and short pose gesture drawing. They also study computer-based graphics, illustration and concept art at another location.

Each student has their own Cast Station where they choose a plaster cast and control the light to create a detailed graphite pencil drawing.

I am thrilled Carl and his students have moved in and we look forward to a wonderful collaboration of classical art education.

Carl studied with Jacob Collins at Water Street Atelier and shows his work at John Pence Gallery.

Carl’s bio and artwork on John Pence Gallery website

Safehouse Atelier Blog with student work


Article originally appeared on Sadie Valeri Atelier | Oil Painting, Art Classes, Instructional Videos | San Francisco, California (
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