New Video: Block-In From Bargue Plates and From Life
Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 3:51PM
Sadie Valeri in drawing, video demo

Learn to Draw with Bargue Plates Part 1: Line Drawing and Proportion

Our latest videos teaching the classical drawing method of Straight Line Block-In are now available streaming in our Online Atelier.

Bargue Plates are 19th century lithographs of drawings by the painter Gerome created specifically to teach students how to draw. They are brilliantly executed and organized, and lead the student from drawing simple lines up through creating fully rendered figures, all based on casts of ancient Greek and Roman sculpture.

In the video I also demonstrate how to apply the same methods and principles to drawing 3-dimensional objects.

Join Sadie Valeri’s Online Atelier now for streaming access to all of Sadie’s videos:

Article originally appeared on Sadie Valeri Atelier | Oil Painting, Art Classes, Instructional Videos | San Francisco, California (
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