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New Drawing Video: Straight Line Block-In Demo

I’ve just completed a new FREE video showing how I start a new drawing using Straight Line Block-In. My husband Nowell composed the soundtrack and did all the editing and production:

This is the exercise I give my students:

  1. Set up a brown paper bag, crumpled and twisted gently. Include a single egg. 
  2. Draw only STRAIGHT LINES and NO SHADING. 
  3. Work small, just 4-5 inches across per drawing, and put in mainly just the longest, most major lines and only a few secondary lines - just until it starts looking like the shape and gesture of the bag. Spend no more than 30 minutes on a drawing. 
  4. Turn the bag and move the egg to make a new composition and start another drawing. 
  5. I am working large with heavy, dark lines so the camera can record the drawing. You should work SMALL and with VERY LIGHT LINES

I teach a private Online Class on Facebook where I teach the fundamental principles of Classical Drawing and Indirect Painting:
Click Here to Learn More about my Online Class!

See all our upcoming Classes and Workshops at my San Francisco Studio Here:

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Reader Comments (1)

Oh nice you are doing such a great job,and your drawing is so beautiful.
October 8, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Greene
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